Aims of EROP as a Europe-wide organisation of medical osteopaths


The European Register of Osteopathic Physicians (EROP) was founded to combine the philosophy and practice of osteopathy developed in the 19th century by A. T. Still with the scientific standards of modern medicine and to establish it as a significant component of the health care system.

Osteopathic medicine of the 21st century is an extension and complement to classical medicine in the context of integrated, evidence-based and patient-centred medical care. From EROP’s point of view, this can only be guaranteed by highly qualified, excellently trained osteopathic physicians. 

The EROP has therefore created a diploma that can be obtained by any doctor who has completed the required training.

Due to its success and the growing demand by patients, osteopathy has become an essential factor in European health care systems. The fact that the term osteopath is not yet protected in most European countries, that no binding regulations have been made for training and further education, and that osteopathy is not yet included in the catalogue of benefits in the German Medical Fee Schedule (GOÄ) does not do justice to the importance of osteopathy.

The aim of EROP as a Europe-wide organisation of medical osteopaths is the transnational regulation of training and quality standards for high-quality osteopathic treatment of patients as well as the regulatory establishment of the professional title of osteopathic doctor.