The common goals of the EROP members


The EROP (European Register for Osteopathic Physicians)(LINK EROP) is the European umbrella organisation for osteopathic medical societies.

Since its foundation in 2003 by the DGOM (German Society for Osteopathic Medicine) and the DAAO (German-American Academy of Osteopathy), numerous European associations(LINK MEMBERS) for medical osteopathy have joined EROP.

The common goals of the EROP members are to

    • The recognition of the importance of osteopathy as a science-based medical therapy and an important factor in integrated, evidence-based, patient-centred medical care

    • the protection of the professional title of osteopath

    • The legal regulation of the education and training of medical osteopaths on the basis of the training standards defined by EROP to ensure safe patient care

    • the promotion of research

    • the development of osteopathy in the context of current medical science

    • public relations work to establish medical osteopathy in the media, in politics and among patients as an integral part of the health system

We are happy to accept other European osteopathic medical societies and associations as members. Here you will find the information on our admission criteria (LINK Admission criteria)
